Как и когда вы можете конвертировать ваши деньги. Мы предлагаем получить очки в реальные деньги. Conveter. 1 GET точки = 1 цента Минимальная Выплата составляет $ 1,50 Преобразование налоговой будет применяться которая Выньте или добавить в свой запрашиваемой суммы.Текущая скорость, ПП -10%, LR нет налога
Запрос регулирование: Минимальные GET точка должна быть 150 и GET Максимальная точка 500. Ваш минимальный сообщение / ответ подсчет должен быть 100 +
Платежная система Perfect Money PayPal Liberty Reserve
Следуйте этому шаги для Пожертвовать Вы получаете очки.Оплата будет произведена в течение очень короткого времени.Если у вас есть до уплаты запрос, пожалуйста, не просите другого.
Если вы по ошибке нарушают все, что выше, ошибка твоя.
Надеюсь, что все к этому форуму Поймите преобразования системы мы предлагаем.
Схематическая карта ниже даст вам другие способы получить GET точки
--------[ РАЗДЕЛ ]--------------------------------------- - POINT СИСТЕМЫ ----------------
Высмеять и заработать немного наличных ( оплата доказательства) -> Начать Тема = 1 $ GET, Ответить Тема = 1GET $
Заработайте от NET ( AUTOSURFs )--------------------> тему Начать = 3 GET $, тема Ответ = $ 1GET
Заработайте от NET ( [url=http://www.globalearntalk.com/forum/forums/16-HYIP-(High-Yield-Investment-Program)] HYIP[/url]) ---------------------------> Начало Тема = 3 GET $, тема Ответ = $ 1GET
Заработайте от NET ([url=http://www.globalearntalk.com/forum/forums/20-Investment-Programs-(Non-HYIP)] инвестиционных программ[/url]) ---------> Начало Тема = 3 GET $, тема Ответ = $ 1GET
Заработайте от NET ( [url=http://www.globalearntalk.com/forum/forums/23-Forex-(Foreign-Currency-Exchange)-Trading]Forex[/url]) --------------------------> Начало Тема = 2 $ GET, Ответить Тема = 1GET $
Заработайте от NET ( GPT [Get Paid To] ------------------> Начало Тема = 3 GET $, тема Ответ = $ 1GET
Добро пожаловать на форум Extremesurfs Платный к сообщению форума - Спонсор ExoticFX.net & Gorgonprojectinvest.com, 20 марта 2011, 4:34 вечера
Привет Brakoner,
Добро пожаловать на форум Extremesurfs Платный к сообщению форума - Спонсор ExoticFX.net & Gorgonprojectinvest.com. Мы так счастливы, что вы решили присоединиться к нам здесь.
Все новые члены должны прочесть следующее в отношении нашей уделено сообщению программы:
All members must follow these rules. If you do not follow them, you will be warned / banned.
1) Creating Double Thread Is Strictly Forbidden :
Please do a search in the forum before adding a new thread for a program. Search for both the domain name and program name to make sure it already is not here.
2) Choosing A Title For Your Thread
The title of the thread you're starting must have the Program's name in it. Use this format :
"Program Name" - "Program URL"
For e.g, if you are starting a thread of a program called as "ABC" and the URL of the program is "http://www.abc.com" then the title of the thread should be in the following format :
"ABC" - "abc.com" or "ABC" - "www.abc.com"
3) Thread Rules :
* Thread starter MUST have enough information about the appropriate program to post at the first post during the creation of a new thread. * The URL of the program must be given at the bottom of the new thread you are creating. This includes the referral URL of the poster itself ONLY.
4) Signature Rule :
* Your signature MUST not be any longer than three lines in length (including spaces and line breaks). * You MUST also not use any large sized fonts for your signature. The default font size is "size 2". No fonts larger then this is allowed. * You MUST not have more than three links in your signature. All signatures must be aligned to the left.
5) Multiple accounts are not permitted :
The user with multiple accounts will get banned instantly before issuing any warning.
6) Other Rules :
* No personal attacks, or death threats or cursing is allowed. * No spam or advertising whatsoever will be tolerated. * Do not make posts asking other members to join under your referral link. * Do not create new thread without own referral link (Especially at High Risk Investment Opportunities, GPT section) * Who reply to the junk thread or post, will be treated as Spam Post too * For "High Risk Investment Opportunities" and "GPT" Section : Post the screenshot of your member's page to prove that you are really invest at the site and after that u will be allowed to post a text payment proof,if you not post the screenshot of your member's page you must post your payment proof with image payment proof, this is for keep this forum from junk post/fake payment proof
7) Infraction Punishment :
* All infraction will cause you -0.20 MF Cash deduction.
8) Spam Post :
Examples are illustrated below but not limited to the following :
* “Have you been paid? Please provide payment proof” * “How many ads per day?” * “I do not like the site, the rates are low” * “Is Alert Pay offered by this investment site?” * “Payment duration too long, 30 days, not joining” * “This site is a scam site, I shall not join” * “Good site, I have been paid again” * “I shall consider joining, many payment proofs here” * "How long it takes to reach minimum payout" * "Thanks for the info, it is very useful"
9) Good Quality Post
A post(reply) that contains some useful substance or some useful information about the website being discussed in the thread is considered as a quality post. Something like "What is the minimum deposit of this program?" not a good quality post. Why? Because u can just go to that program site and read by yourself the information about the minimum deposit of that program, no need ask by posting to the thread.
Thanks in advance for obeying these rules to help make Money-Forum the best forum online. All moderators and admin reserves the right to use their own discretion with warning and/or banning members.